COPIOUS@RTSM affect how quickly a trial can start, how it is conducted and how quickly patients receive medication kits so that safety and efficacy data can be collected as soon as possible.

Copious Subject Panel System
Efficiently track subject status with Copious’ vibrant color-coded system.

Flexible Randomization Solutions
Unlock diverse randomization options with Copious’ versatile capabilities.

Enhanced Tracking and Compliance
Effortlessly monitor drug compliance with Copious’ comprehensive subject returns system.
Shilowiz speeds the clinical trials by using its cloud based eclinical systems.
Shilowiz develops the technological innovations to make the process of drug development faster, more accurate, more productive and easier to track.
Our dedicated Informatics group creates industry-leading, integrated platforms and applications designed by clinical researchers to improve the way companies perform clinical trials, control and share data, track and report patient outcomes, and manage regulatory information.